
Asafetida Hing

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ACPFOOD is where you can buy Hing Asafoetida. Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk Asafoetida Ferula resin with the best quality to distributors, manufacturers and retailers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

High Quality Aromatic Ferula assa Gum For Sale

  • Product Code:
    1. Sweet Asafoetida: GUM-036
    2. Bitter Asafoetida: GUM-037
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 50 kg
  • All kinds of Asafetida resin are available. Such as:
    1. Asafoetida paste
    2. Dried Asafoetida (Dried paste)
    3. Asafetida tears (Kokh Hing)
    4. Bitter Asafetida
    5. Sweet Asafetida
    6. Green Asafoetida
    7. Afghani Asafoetida
    8. Iranian Asafoetida
    9. Yellow Asafoetida
    10. Red Asafoetida
    11. White Asafoetida

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Scientific Name:
1- Ferula assa-foetida L.
2- Ferula alliacea Boiss.
1- Ferula foetida St.-Lag., Narthex asafoetida (L.) Falc. ex Lindl.
2- Ferula assa-foetida Boiss. & Buhse
English Name: Asafetida
Other Names in English (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Asafoetida, Hing, Stinking assa
Family: Apiaceae



Persian Name: آنغوزه- صمغ اَنجَدان/ Anghouzeh- Samghe Anjadan
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Stinkasant harz/ gummi, Teufelsdreck
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Ase fétide résine/ gommier, Merde du diable


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About Ferula Assa-foetida

Ferula assa-afoetida is a plant of Apiaceae family, herbaceous and perennial.
Its root is slightly thick and fleshy. Its leaves are very cut and dusty and its stem is hollow, fleshy and up to two meters high. This plant does not have a visible stem in the first few years of its age and its leaves are widespread on the ground.

Asafetida is a plant resin that comes out of the root or the bottom of the stem of the plant by cutting it through blade or cutting the stem from its neck, and it is obtained during the summer and is available in the market in two ways. One type, which is called “Tear drop Asafetida”, is very clean, without dirt and dust, and has high quality.

Characteristics of Asafoetida

Its external color is reddish yellow or brown and smooth and transparent. In terms of dimensions, it is about the size of a hazelnut or a little bigger or smaller in the size of a pea. The color of its section is white, which quickly oxidizes and darkens in the vicinity of air. And the other type that is offered in the market is called “lump” that is collected carelessly and mixed with soil, straw and leaves, and it has poor quality. In some species, the taste of Asafetida is bitter and smells like garlic, stinky and very spicy.

Asafoetida has an astringent, bitter and biting taste and its smell is similar to the smell of garlic, it is stinking and unbearable.

Ferula assa-afoetida is a medicinal, rangeland and industrial plant that a sap or a gum is obtained by cutting the roots of this plant, which has a pungent sulfur odor similar to the stinking and flavorful smell of garlic, which is marketed in both tear drop and pile form, depending on the type of plant.

Two types of bitter and sweet Asafoetida are harvested from it. Despite the apparent differences in the plants and gums harvested, both species belong to the species Ferula assa-foetida.

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Research Conclusions on Asafoetida

After research conducted in Iran, the conclusion was as follows:

  1. The percentage of essential oil in bitter Asafoetida was more than the percentage of essential oil in sweet Asafoetida.
  2. The main constituents in Tabas Sweet Asafetida and Bitter Asafetida were Propenyl sec-butyl disulfide.
  3. Bitter Asafoetida contained a large amount epi-γ-eudesmol.

Sweet Asafoetida is used for food and Bitter Asafoetida is mostly used for industrial purposes.

Other species of the Ferula plant are also grown in Iran, and they are also known as independent species or varieties of the same species, such as Ferula foetida (Bunge) Regel, Ferula alliacea Boiss., Ferula kuma Boiss. and Ferula kurdica Pol.

The species Ferula foetida has been identified in Baluchistan, Khorasan, Shahrood, Bastam, Miami, Damghan and Sabzevar.

The Ferula alliacea species that has been identified in Khorasan and Kerman.

Ferula kurdica species is abundant in Savojbolagh and Hamedan mountains and in West Azerbaijan. Its gum is the size of a broad bean and has a strong lemon smell.

The species of Ferula kuma, which is abundant in Sershiv and Saqqez pastures of Kurdistan and in Bibarsan and Poukideh mountains of Kurdistan, as well as in Kohgiluyeh and Lorestan, is a high-priced fodder and is a good fodder for fattening horses and cows.

In terms of the shape of the plant, the above species are very similar, but their heights are different, and in addition, in some species, the color of the flower is white and the color of the fruit when ripe is white and round and wide like a coin, and it is fragrant. This latter type is called “Anjadan Tayyab” or “White Anjadan” in traditional Iranian medicine books.

Ferula Assa-foetida Chemical Constituents

Ferula assa-foetida possesses a powerful alliaceous odour and a bitter acrid taste. It contains a volatile oil (4-20%), resin (40-60%), gums (20%) and some impurities. The oil consists chiefly of isobutyl propanyl disulphide and related compounds, which are responsible for the characteristic smell of the gum resin.

The resin is composed of coumarins such as umbelliferone, 5- hydroxyumbelliprenin, 8-hydroxyumbelliprenin, 9-hydroxyumbelliprenin, 8- acetoxy, 5-hydroxy umbelliprenin, asafoetidin, ferocolicin and asacoumarins A&B; phenols such as asaresinol ferulate and free ferulic acid and a group of sesquiterpenes, farnesiferol A, B, & C characteristically containing coumarin groups.

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Asafoetida Temperament

Extremely hot and slightly dry.

Asafoetida Health Benefits

Asafetida plant produces mother’s milk, is emmenagogue, warms kidney, bladder and intestine, is memory enhancer, libido enhancer, stomach tonic, stomachic, food digester, spleen tonic, antiseptic, phlegm remover, diuretic, expels the fetus from the womb, is a dewormer, blood absorbent to the surface of the skin, repels toxins and dries stomach moisture.

This plant improves forgetfulness, mental retardation, paralysis, facial nerve paralysis, paresis, phlegmatic fever, dropsy, jaundice, dysuria, internal pains, and cold joint pains, it also eliminates the harms of heavy foods and poisonous herbs. Eating a mixture of this herb and pounded rock candy in equal proportions helps to treat cough caused by the predominance of blood and yellow bile.

Poultice of this plant is useful for absorbing substances to the surface of the skin. Its poultice with beeswax and oil cures scrofula, wounds and sciatica.

Sprinkling the powder of this herb on the wounds helps to cure leprosy. Smelling its leaves is beneficial for getting rid of flatulence.

Asafoetida resin improves paralysis, tremors, paresis, paresthesia, hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions, digestive diseases, phlegm colic, gripes, hemorrhoids, cold liver, ascites, stomach and spleen weakness, bronchitis and shortness of breath, asthma and fever.

Eating this gum together with black pepper and Common Rue (Ruta graveolens L.) helps to treat tetanus. Continuation of its consumption along with Sagapenum (Ferula persica Willd.) is useful for paralysis and paresthesia. Swallowing 0.6 grams of Asafetida along with beeswax helps to cure paralysis. Eating Asafetida with Sekanjebin is useful to stimulate breast milk. Eating Asafetida with Figs is useful for jaundice. Eating it with food improves the complexion.

Vaginal suppository or incense of Asafetida helps to expel the dead fetus. Its drops which are made by boiling this resin in olive oil is useful for ear pain and to cure deafness. Gargling Asafetida with honey improves tonsillitis. Gargling it with egg yolk is useful for dry cough, side pain, hoarseness, and rough throat. Keeping a decoction of Asafetida with Figs and Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) in the mouth relieves the pain of a rotten tooth.

Its poultice improves alopecia areata. Splitting the infected swellings and putting Asafoetida on them will remove the infection. Asafetida poultice with Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major L.   juice removes the pus from the abscess. Its poultice with dried Figs and vinegar is useful for psoriasis.

If it is mixed with honey and applied to the eyes, it is useful to strengthen the eye sight, stop the watery discharge (Cataracts) and get rid of pterygium.

Its poultice is useful to prevent hair loss, and rubbing it on the body is useful to repel insects and mosquitoes (and of course your partner!).

If mixed with milk and Gentiana, it is an effective antidote for rabid dog bites, and if mixed with olive oil, it is an effective antidote for scorpion stings.

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To order red Asafoetida, please contact us.

How to serve Asafoetida

Due to its unpleasant smell, Asafetida is often used as a pill or enema. To cover its pungent smell when eating, it can be mixed with Cherry Laurel hydrosol (Prunus laurocerasus L.) or with bitter almond extract.

  1. Pour 2 grams of Asafoetida in an empty capsule every day and eat it. It strengthens the stomach, is anti-toxin and anti-seizure, and is very effective in treating paralysis, Parkinson, body weakness and pediatric epilepsy.
  2. Pound it and put the size of a peas in an empty capsule and eat one capsule every morning, noon and night. Kidney inflammation, pertussis, shortness of breath, anti-hysterical and anti-parasitic.
  3. If a woman eats 2.3g of Asafoetida a day for a week after menstruation, she will be temporarily and sometimes permanently prevented from getting pregnant.
  4. Dissolve it in vinegar and drink it. It is very useful for the nerves.
  5. If you dissolve Asafoetida in water and drink it slowly, it is useful for relieving throat gruffness and relieving bloating.
  6. Mix it with egg yolk and eat. It is beneficial for relieving dry cough and side pain.
  7. If you put about one pea in baked bread every day for several consecutive days and eat it, it is useful for relieving cold ascites of any kind.
  8. Mix Asafoetida with Pepper and Myrrh and eat. It is beneficial for increasing urination and emmenagogue.
  9. Mix Asafetida with pounded Figs and eat. Treats jaundice.
  10. Mix it with honey and dilute it with distilled water a little and gargle it in your mouth. Reduces oral inflammation.
  11. Asafoetida’s gargling with vinegar is effective for expelling remained leeches in the throat.
  12. If you have blurred vision, pulverize it dry like soft dust and draw like a kohl in the eye, its blur will be removed.
  13. If you dissolve it and poultice on the head at night, it will prevent hair loss.
  14. Dissolve Asafetida in olive oil and leave it in the sun for a while until it gets old and rub it on the penis and around it. It is effective for strengthening sexual power.

Instruction for Making Purifier Asafoetida

Pour desired amount of Asafoetida into 60-degree alcohol, and dissolved it with gentle heat, then strain it, and distill it in water bath heater until the alcohol is removed, and if some of it is poured in cold water it won’t stick to the fingers. Usually, from 100 units of Asafetida, about 70 units of purifier Asafetida are obtained with the above method.

Purifier Asafetida is anti-hysterical, anti-seizure, anti- epilepsy, diuretic, emmenagogue and stimulant of the stomach and intestines. Its dosage is 0.5-2 grams as pills.

Instruction for Making Asafetida Powder

Dry Asafetida to the desired amount in a 25-degree hothouse, then grind it completely smooth and passed through 80 grade silk sieves. 0.5 to 2 grams of this powder can be use orally, which is consumed as a pill. In cases of enema, 1 to 4 grams of it is used.

Instruction for Making Asafetida Pills

Mix 10 grams of Asafoetida and 3 grams of lettuce extract, make 50 pills and eat one pill every two hours.

Instruction for Making Asafoetida Milk

One unit of Asafetida and 30 units of clear water. Grind these two thoroughly in a Chinese pharmaceutical mortar until it becomes like milk and eat 50 to 100 grams to eliminate convulsion and hysteria.

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To order white Asafoetida, please contact us.

Enema with Asafetida

2 to 4 grams of Asafoetida, 1 egg yolk and 250 grams of Marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis L.) root decoction. First, grind the Asafetida with the egg yolk and mix it well. Gradually add the brewed Marsh Mallow. Usually, 2 to 4 grams of grinded Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) will be added to it. It can be used as uterine enema for uterine colic, menstrual irregularity and hysterical neurology.

Instruction for Making Asafetida Tincture

1 unit of half-pounded Asafetida and 5 units of 80-degree alcohol. Mix these two in a closed container and left to soak for ten days. Stir them time to time. After 10 days filter it through a cloth. This tincture is anticonvulsant and anti-hysteria. Its dosage is 1 to 10 grams of a potion, and in cases of enemas, 2 to 16 grams of it can be used.

Dosage of Asafoetida

From asafoetida whole plant up to seven grams. Its gum up to 3 grams.

Side Effects of Asafetida

Its whole plant is harmful to the bladder, intestines, and hot temperaments.

Its gum is harmful to the brain, liver and anus and pregnant women.

Its smell is harmful for hot temperaments.

Asafoetida Modifiers

Modifier of its whole plant is Persian melon seeds which prevents harm from the bladder. Gum Arabic for stomachache, Pomegranate syrup and Sekanjebin for hot temperaments. It is better not to use the plant itself and it’s better to make pickle of its components or use its vinegar.

Modifier of its resin is Anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) and Pomegranate which prevent harms to the brain and liver. Gum Tragacanth for the anus. Sweet Violet (Viola odorata L.), Water Lily (Nymphaea alba L.), apple juice and white Sandalwood syrup for hot temperaments.

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To order Assa foetida gum, please contact us.



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