

Scientific Name: Cuscuta epithymum (L.)
Synonyms: Cuscuta europaea var. epithymum L.
English Name: Dodder
Other Names in English: Clover Dodder, Common Dodder, Lesser Dodder, Thyme dodder
Family: Convolvulaceae


Plant Parts: Stem, flower and seed
Cultivation Mode: Wild Collection
In Manufacturing: Pharmaceutical, herbal tea, cosmetics, sanitary


Persian Name: افتیمون، سس/ Aftimoun, Ses
German Name: Quendel-Seide, Quendel-Seide i.w.S., Quendelseide, Thymian-Seide
French Name: Cuscute du thym, Rache, Petite cuscute


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High Quality Dodder Seed for Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy Dodder seeds and stems. We sell bulk Cuscuta epithymum with the best quality to wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers. We purchase high quality Lesser Dodder directly from farmers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

Cuscuta epithymum seeds and stems wholesaler, supplier, provider and exporter

To order this product, please contact us.

About Dodder

The stems of this plant are very thin and flexible, and on their outer surface there are sucking organ which they push it into the host plants when they wrap around and suck the plant sap. In addition, it forms tubers in the soil, which in the spring of the next year will again be the source of another dodder plant.

The seed of this plant germinates in early spring, and then the roots and the plant which are buried in the soil grow, and at the same time, an aerial stem also emerges from it and grows.

From the moment it emerges from the soil, it starts searching for a nearby host plant to insert its sucking organs into it, for nourishment and survival. If the plant does not find a host near it and there is a delay in establishing it on another plant, after a period of time, the plant will inevitably dry up and die.

But if the plant finds a host near it at the very beginning of its growth, it will immediately wrapped around it and after inserting its sucking organ into the host plant, after a short period of time the root and the lower part of the stem which is connected to the root are dried and the dodder plant independently settles on the host plant and using the sap of the host plant to live as a parasite. It gradually wraps its thin cotton stems more and more around the plant.

Cuscuta epithymum is an annual plant that grows in the spring and attacks its host plants and twists around them, and grows and blossom until the end of summer along with weakened host. Its stems look like red or yellowish red string. Its flower is red with very thin spines like hair and its seeds are tiny, its kernel is reddish-yellow, which is covered with a hard black crust.

The leaves of this plant are very small. The flowers are cylindrical and very small and grow in clusters and usually have the same color as their stems. The stem and flowers of this plant can be seen in red or pink. Each flower of this plant has 5 very small, oval, delicate and whitish petals. The taste of its flower is very pungent.

Its fruits are almost spherical and pale green, which grow in the same place after the flowers dry. Inside each fruit there are some very small and wedge-shaped black seeds.

The best fresh dodder has a thick aroma and a bitter taste.

Cuscuta epithymum attacks plants such as fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), artemisias, thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), mountain cypress (Widdringtonia nodiflora), Dioscorea communis, yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) and other plants.

Cuscuta epithymum Chemical Constituents

The main phytochemical constituents are alkaloids; saponins; tannins; triterpenoids; steroids; carbohydrates; aromatic compounds; flavonoids and the hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives.

Dodder Temperament

Third degree of hot and at the end of first degree of dry

Health Benefits of Lesser Dodder

Dodder expels black bile, phlegm, and yellow bile. It’s pain reliever, heart enlivening, expels stomach worm, blood purifier, liver tonic and stomach tonic. But the rest of its properties depend on the plant it twists around. The actions and properties of Cuscuta epithymum seeds are like its plant. But stronger.

Cuscuta epithymum is useful for the elderly, cold-temperaments and people with black bile humor domination, and brain and nerve diseases, headache, epilepsy, convulsions, melancholy, mania, madness, depression, nightmares, black bile obsessions, paralysis, numbness, paresis, facial nerve paralysis, cancer, joint pain. Improves black bile diseases, skin diseases, pimples and skin spots, flatulence and splenomegaly. The Cuscuta epithymum which twists around thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.) plant helps a lot in the treatment of cancer.

Drinking its decoction kills and expels stomach and intestinal worms. Drinking it with lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) relieves melancholic and phlegmatic epilepsy, paralysis, facial nerve paralysis, convulsions, and numbness.

Eating 9 grams of pounded Cuscuta epithymum with a little honey and a little salt is a strong laxative of black bile and phlegm humors. Eating 15 grams of Cuscuta epithymum with whey improves melancholy, black bile headache.

If you mix the pounded Cuscuta epithymum with currant evenly and make pills from them, swallowing 12 to 24 grams of it will help to cure melancholia. Vomiting the black bile excrement through eating Cuscuta epithymum, a little colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis ) fruit flesh without peel and a little scammony (Convolvulus scammonia ) resin is very useful for black bile melancholy. Provided that you have made the excrement ready to expel from the body and then expels them through venesection.

If you heat a small amount of Cuscuta epithymum in water until it boils a little, then remove it from the heat and after adding some damask rose jam (Goleghand), rub it all until its extract enters the water, drinking the filtered water will enema the rotten black bile humors from the head and removes the nightmares caused by the black bile vapors of the stomach.

If you mix 18 grams of pounded Cuscuta epithymum with 18 grams of simple sekanjebin evenly, eating it is a very strong laxative of black bile and purifying the spleen, and continuing to use it once a week will cure spleen melancholy, mania, madness and all other cold black bile diseases.

If you mix 15 grams of Cuscuta epithymum with 25 grams of dried raisins and pour it into water and heat it for a while until it boils, drinking the filtered decoction with sweet violet (Viola odorata L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) or Persian borage flower (Echium amoenum) is a cure for stomach and intestinal worms and improves black bile obsession.

If you soak 15 grams of Cuscuta epithymum in freshly milked sheep’s milk, drinking it will help to cure the black bile headache. Provided that you expel black bile wastes before that from your body. If you soak 25 grams of Cuscuta epithymum in 200 grams of freshly milked milk, drinking it daily with 50 grams of Sekanjebin for a week is effective for curing black bile headache, melancholy, convulsions, ferity and palpitation.

Eating 20 grams of Cuscuta epithymum with freshly milked milk and sugar will cure melancholia, mania, madness, nightmares and most of the black bile diseases.

If you put 50 grams of pounded safflower seed (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in 800 grams half-warm milk, then rub it until all the juice and extract is absorbed into the milk. Then squeeze it until all the milk is removed. Drinking this milk with 15 grams of Cuscuta epithymum cures melancholia, mania, insanity and black bile obsession.

Cuscuta epithymum poultice cooked in oil is useful for hemorrhoids.

Dodder Dosage

14 grams if you use it alone.

As a decoction with other herbs up to 20 grams. Dodder seeds alone up to 5 grams. But in combination with another herbs, 10 grams.

Side Effects of Cuscuta epithymum

Dodder is harmful to the lungs. It causes thirst, anxiety and fainting and is harmful for hot temperaments and young people.

Cuscuta epithymum Modifiers

Gum tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer Labill.), saffron (Crocus sativus L.), gum Arabic (Senegalia Senegal), sweet almond oil, and herbs which can give moisture to the body.

Cuscuta epithymum and its seeds are very delicate, and pounding and boiling them too much will reduce or eliminate its properties.


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