Fenugreek Seed


Scientific Names: Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
Synonyms: Buceras foenum-graecum (L.) All., Folliculigera graveolens Pasq.
English Name: Fenugreek seed
Other Names in English: Greek Hay, Common Fenugreek, Sicklefruit Fenugreek
Family: Fabaceae



Persian Name: شنبلیله/ Shanbalileh
German Name: Bockshornkleesamen
French Name: Graines de Fenugrec, Graine de Foin Grec


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High Quality Fenugreek Seeds For Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy Fenugreek seeds. We provide and sell Greek Hay Seeds in bulk with best quality to wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers. We purchase high quality products directly from farmers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

Trigonella foenum-graecum seed exporter

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About Trigonella Foenum-Graecum

Trigonella foenum-graecum is an annual plant that reaches a height of forty centimeters and is considered an edible vegetable.

This plant has a relatively thin stem that has a circular cross section. The Fenugreek leaves are small, droplet-shaped, sometimes almond-shaped, and sometimes rhombic in shape, and grow in threes. The outer part of these leaves is serrated. Fenugreek leaves have an almost bitter taste and a pungent aroma.

The flowers are small, white, and sometimes yellow, and grow singly. Each flower has three petals. One of these petals is larger and looks like a plate with green streaks on it, and the other two petals are smaller and face each other in the middle of the larger petals.

The fruit is a green, elongated, slender, pointed pod that contains several seeds. The yellow Fenugreek seeds are brick orange, crooked, relatively large, and sometimes angular and square. But in general, they do not have a regular shape. These seeds are bitter in taste and aromatic.

Trigonella foenum-graecum Chemical Constituents

Trigonelline, Choline, Saponin, Prolamin, Triacontane, β-sitosterol

Fenugreek Temperament

Warm and dry

Fenugreek Health Benefits

Eating Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds with honey before meals expels corrupted humor. Its tea is diuretic, emmenagogue and facilitates childbirth.

Continuing to eat a mixture of Fenugreek seeds with wheat flour, sugar, or honey, improves kidney condition and fattening.

Drinking a decoction of these seeds with honey is laxative, removes slimy phlegm from the chest, and improves cough, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, and internal inflammation.

If you make a decoction contains of Fenugreek seed, Tamarind, Raisins, Figs, and Maidenhair fern, then strain and add honey. Drinking this decoction will improve shortness of breath, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, chronic lung pain and treats lung diseases.

These seeds plus 11 grams of Rubia tinctorium tea is laxative and emmenagogue, and is useful for fractures and weak limbs.

Fenugreek seeds drops is useful for epiphora, bloodshot eyes and conjunctivitis.

Due to the nutrients contained in Fenugreek, it is very effective for strengthening and has given good results for patients with tuberculosis.

Some sages have used these seeds in diabetes because it is very effective in preventing people with diabetes from losing weight.

Fenugreek seed poultice removes internal and external harden swellings, dandruff, Melasma, fire burns, cold fissures, nail curvature, splenitis, uterine inflammation, hair loss and skin blemishes.

Trigonella foenum-graecum seed flour poultice with honey is useful for cold swellings, and also this poultice with barley flour, Damask Rose oil and vinegar removes warm swellings. This flour with Figs, opens the abscess. If you mix this flour with borax and poultice it, helps to eliminate the size of the spleen.

Washing hair with brewed Fenugreek make hair smooth and is useful for eczema and moist wounds.

Fenugreek seed oil improves hard swellings, abscess, diarrhea, and dandruff.

Fenugreek Side Effects

Drinking Fenugreek seeds plus Rubia tinctorium tea causes the smell of sweat or urine to stink.

Excessive consumption of Fenugreek seeds is harmful to the testicles and ovaries and causes headaches and nausea.

Fenugreek Modifiers

Sour Sekanjebin, Anise, sour-sweet Pomegranate juice

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