Synonyms: Vitis sylvestris Gmel.
English Name: Iranian Raisin
Other Names in English (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Currant, Sultana
Family: Vitaceae
Persian Name: Keshmesh- Maviz/ کِشمِش- مَویز
German Name : Rosine
French Name : Raisin
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About Grape
Grape is the fruit of a tree whose stems wrap around nearby objects and climb up. The stems of the vine are ivy-like and the main trunk is not very thick. The grape leaf usually has three deep cuts and its edge is jagged, its overall shape is similar to a pentagon, and its taste is slightly sour and astringent.
The fruit of the vine grows in clusters and if it is not ripe, it is green, small, spherical, and very sour. There are many varieties of grapes with different taste, color, and size. Some are green, some are yellowish, some are black, some are purple and some are deep red.
Some grapes are spherical and some are oval. Some are sweet and some are sour. There are usually several small, elongated and almost cone-shaped seeds among the grape fruit. Unripe grapes have a very sour taste. The dried fruit of the vine is called Raisin, and its shape and color depend on the grape from which it is obtained. The best grapes should be yellowish green, ripe, sweet, juicy, large, thin-skinned, with little or no seeds. The best type of Sultana is green.
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Vitis Vinifera Chemical Constituents
There is inositol, carotenes, tannins, quercetin, quercitrin, organic acids, tartaric acid, sacarose, and laevulose in Vitis vinifera leaves.
Grape rachis contains 1% to 2% tannins, 1% to 1.5% resin substances, 0.3% to 0.9% tartaric acid and malic acid and 1.7% to 2.8% minerals.
Unripe grape contains 1% sugar, and 3% organic acids such as oxalic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and racemic acid.
Grape flesh contains 70% to 80% water, 17% to 24% glucose and laevulose, 0.5% to 0.7% b-tartrate potassium, 0.3% to 0.45% free acids such as tartaric acid, malic acid, a bit of oily substance and etc.
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Ripe grape flesh is primarily warm and moist. Grape skin is primarily cold and dry. The grape seed is cold and dry in the second degree. Unripe grape is cold and dry in the second degree. Yellowish-green grape sultana has less warmth than other colors and is closer to moderation. Sweeter sultanas have more heat. Currants are warm in the second degree and moist in the first degree. Grape vinegar is in the second degree of cold and dry. Grape sap is warm in the first degree and cold in the second degree.
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Grape, Sultana and Currant Health Benefits
Grapes are fattening and produce good blood. Sultanas strengthen the brain, heart and liver and strengthen the sexual power in cold temperaments. It is fattening, strengthens the heart and sexual power. Grape sap is fattening and relieves suffocation. Grape vinegar is used to strengthen the spleen and digestive power, and eliminates thick humors.
Ripe grape fruit is tonic, kidney fat producer, blood purifier, stomach and kidney tonic, kidney and gall bladder stone destroyer, diuretic, and laxative. Black grapes are enlivening, nourishing, liver tonic and laxative. Grape seeds reduce sperm. Grape leaves are diuretic and stomach tonic. Unripe grape and verjuice reduce the heat of blood and yellow bile, cut phlegm and are liver tonics. This fruits are nerve tonic, fattening, good blood producer, thick humors remover, laxative, phlegm remover, chest cleanser from mucus, and eyesight tonic.
Sultanas are heart and liver tonic, nerve tonic, stomach tonic, kidney and bladder tonic, fattening, enlivening, good blood producer, food digester, laxative, diuretic, cold temperaments sexual power enhancer and phlegm remover. All the actions and properties of Sultanas and currants are stronger than grapes.
Grape vinegar reduces thick humors, is stomachic, food digestive, opener of spleen and mesenteric vessel blockage. Grape sap is laxative and tonic.
Grapes are very easy to digest. It removes the weakness of the body, expels the burnt humors of black bile and body toxins, adjusts the temperament, makes the skin clear and soft. It eliminates stomach waste and is used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cancer, gastric disorders, indigestion, constipation, hemorrhoids, liver diseases, spleen diseases, heart diseases, food poisoning, blood fat, blood pressure, tuberculosis, skin diseases, abscesses, and is very useful for pregnant women, choleric and sanguine temperaments.
Fresh grape juice is very similar to mother’s milk in terms of nutritional composition. Grape juice without skin is useful for chest and lung diseases.
Grape leaves cure gout, jaundice, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, nosebleeds, and urinary retention. Washing eyes with grape leaves decoction dissolves swelling of eyelids.
Eating and compressing the ashes of grape branches helps to treat kidney stones, cold swelling of testicles and hemorrhoids. A thick and warm poultice of grape wood ash is very useful for abscess.
Unripe grape and verjuice improve gout, rheumatism, fever, blockage of blood vessels and tuberculosis.
Grapes help treat chronic fever, blood sugar, blood pressure, blood fat, phlegm cough, stress, muscle cramps, paresis, heart and liver diseases, lung diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, intestinal ulcers, and constipation. It also expels gastric yellow bile. It removes anger. Prevents osteoporosis. It strengthens the gums and teeth, makes the mouth smell good and controls cancer. Red grapes improve liver and spleen diseases.
Eating raisins with Persian Borage (Echium amoenum) and Green Dates is good for palpitation. Eating Sultanas with vinegar helps to treat jaundice. If you open this dried fruit and take out its seeds and replace it with a black pepper and keep eating it for a while, it will improve kidney coldness, kidney, and bladder stones.
Cook Sultanas with anise (Pimpinella anisum), strain it and eat it with sweet almond oil, it is good for phlegm cough. Eating a few Sultanas soaked in grape vinegar daily on an empty stomach and drink some of that vinegar, it will cure splenomegaly.
Sultana’s poultice with cow’s tallow is useful for dissolving swelling, opening the abscess, and removing the hangnail. Its poultice along with broad bean flour and Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) improves swelling of the testicles. Its poultice along with Opoponax (Opopanax persicus Boiss.) is beneficial for gout.
Currant helps to treat depression, stress, blood pressure, blood fat, blood sugar, arthritis, chronic fever, muscle cramps and paresis. It is also very useful for liver and spleen diseases and enemas lungs and chest from slimy humors. Sultanas prevent Alzheimer. Eating it with its seeds is very beneficial for stomach, intestine, kidney, and bladder pain.
Grape vinegar improves blood and yellow bile infections, internal bleeding, stomach inflammation, digestive tract obstruction, burns, itching, hives, and old and chronic diseases. Grape vinegar removes stomach waste, is very fast penetrating and carries the medicinal herb quickly to the targeted organs, especially the spleen. Drinking grape vinegar on an empty stomach for several days, kills stomach and intestinal worms. It is beneficial to drink some warm grape vinegar and then eat an emetic to get rid of toxins and frozen blood and milk in the stomach.
Drinking grape vinegar on an empty stomach, in which Figs (Ficus carica L.), currants or Caper root cortex (Capparis spinosa) have been soaked, is beneficial for the dissolution of splenomegaly and polydipsia. Drinking a solution of grape vinegar and grape sap improves jaundice.
Dropping a few drops of grape vinegar in the ear is useful for killing earworms, relieving pain, improving hearing loss and tinnitus. Smelling grape vinegar with sweet almond oil or Damask Rose oil or Rose Water or Cucumber juice helps to treat hot, throbbing headaches and delirium.
Keeping a solution of diluted grape vinegar and salt or Potassium alum in the mouth whitens the teeth and is useful for strengthening the gums and preventing bleeding gums. Keeping grape vinegar, Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) and Thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.) in the mouth heals toothache and gum sores. Keeping grape vinegar and salt in the mouth helps to treat bleeding caused by teeth removal.
Poultice of grape vinegar and barley flour is very beneficial for diphtheria, mastitis, and parotid gland. Its poultice with sulfur cures gout. Its poultice with Wild Rue (Peganum harmala L.) is useful for Cutaneous leishmaniasis. Its poultice with Wild Rue (Peganum harmala L.) helps to treat numbness, tetanus and joint pain.
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Raisin and currant up to 80 grams. Grape vinegar up to 20 grams.
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Side Effects
Grapes are bad for moist stomachs, liver blockages, kidney blockages, or spleen blockages. Grapes make you thirsty. Freshly picked grapes are flatulence. Grape seed and peel are astringent and keep urine in the body. Unripe grape weakens the sexual powers, causes constipation and is harmful to cold stomachs.
Raisins and currants are harmful to the kidneys. Excessive eating of them for warm-tempered people who are living in hot lands burns the blood, thickens the humors, and produces black bile diseases, especially for the spleen and brain.
Grape vinegar is harmful for the patients, elderly, the cold temperaments, those with neurasthenia, those who have recently contracted lung disease, those who have weak bowels, and those who suffer from joint pain. Grape vinegar weakens the immune system and is harmful to the uterus.
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Damask Rose jam, Poppy syrup, and Anise for unripe grape. Sekanjebin, sour fruit juice, and Poppy seeds to prevent the harm of this dried fruit from hot temperament people. Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and Armenian cucumber to prevent the damage of it from the kidneys. Sweets, fatty broth, honey, and sweet almond oil for grape vinegar. Basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum L.), Poppy seeds, vinegar, almonds, Sekanjebin, and lemon juice for grape sap.
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) and Caraway (Carum carvi L.) and Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) for moist and flatulent stomach. For liver, kidney and spleen blockage, Celery seed. For thirst Sekanjebin. Drinking cold water immediately after eating grapes produces highly putrid humor and causes dropsy and infectious fevers. Grapes should not be eaten immediately after picking, but it is better to wait a day or two.
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