Dried Dill Weed

ACPFOOD is where you can buy dried Dill herb. Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk dried Dill leaves with the best quality to distributors, retailers and manufacturers. You can buy it from us with the best price.

Buy Dried Dill, Dill Seed for Sale

  • Product Code: HER-079
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 50kg

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Scientific Name: Anethum graveolens L.
Synonyms: Anethum sowa Roxb., Selinum anethum Roth, Peucedanum graveolens (L.) Benth. & Hook.fil.
English Name: Dill
Other Names in English (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Garden dill, Common dill
Family: Apiaceae


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Persian Name: شوید/ Shevid
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Dill
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Aneth, Faux Anis, Fenouil bâtard

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To order dried Dill weed, please contact us.


About Anethum Graveolens

Anethum graveolens is an annual plant whose height reaches one meter and is considered as a vegetable. The Anethum graveolens plant has soft and abundant stems with longitudinal grooves on their surface. The cross section of the main stems of this plant is circular and the cross section of the secondary stems is square. The leaves of Anethum graveolens are divided into short, needle-shaped and thin parts by very deep incisions. Its leaves have many branches.

The best dill should be fresh, fragrant and fully ripe. The flowers are yellow and very small and grow in clusters at the end of the flowering stems. The seeds are oval, wide and pale brown, and there are several deep longitudinal grooves on their surface. The edge of these seeds is pale yellow.

Anethum Graveolens Chemical Constituents

Essence 0.062%, Terpene or α-Phellandrene, Anethole, Copper.

Dill Temperament

Second degree of hot and first degree of dry.

Dill Health Benefits

  1. Eat its essential oil. It is a strong anti-parasite and is useful for killing all types of worms, including hookworms.
  2. Eating its batter mixed with honey is useful for removing toxins, helping to expelling dense humors from the stomach.
  3. Eat dried Dill with butter and honey. It is useful for treating psychosis.
  4. Drinking its boiled water moderates humors and relieves congestion and obstruction, it is emmenagogue, relieves shortness of breath, weakness of stomach and liver, spleen, kidney and bladder stones.
  5. If you brew it with its seeds and drink it after strain, it will disperse the turgidity and eradicate them from all corners of the body, back pain, increased urination, and relief gripes and cold pains, it causes the digestion of food in the stomach, treat phlegm hiccups and cure genital diseases.
  6. Brew it in equal proportions with Chamomile flowers and drink 3 cups a day or pulverize it dry with Rock Candy and eat a spoonful in the morning, noon and night. Treats back pain down to the knee or sciatica and is useful for relaxation.
  7. To treat looseness of teeth, cook it in vinegar, eat it and poultice some of it on the gums.
  8. Sitting in water of brewed Dill leaves and its seeds, is useful for treating diseases of the uterus and shrinkage of kidneys inflammation, bladder and testicles.
  9. Pouring a drop of its extract in the ear is beneficial to cure ear diseases.
  10. Cook it, then salt its juice and poultice it on the head and forehead in the bath. Relieves temporal headaches.
  11. Burn dried Dill, then mash and poultice it. Heals penis wound.
  12. Mix ground Dill with honey and cook until it hardens, then rub on the skin of the abdomen. It acts as a laxative easily.

Dill Side Effects

Eating it is harmful for hot temperaments, drinking it brewed weakens the eyes, stomach, kidneys and bladder and reduces sperm, extravagance in eating that cuts off sperm.

Dill Modifiers

For hot temperaments it is Lemon juice, Peppermint, Sekanjebin, Sour grape juice and Pickles, and for cold temperaments Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), Cinnamon and Honey.

Fresh dried Dill for sale – Organic dried Dill purchase – Where to buy dried Dill – Where to buy dried Dill weed – Dill seeds wholesale price – Dill seed for sale – Buy Dill seeds – Organic Dill seeds – Bulk Dill seeds – Organic Dill seeds – Dill seed near me – Dill weed seeds

To order Dill seeds, please contact us.



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