Cordia Myxa


Scientific Names:
1- Cordia myxa L.
2- Cordia crenata Delile
1- Cordia latifolia Wall. ex G.Don, Lithocardium myxa Kuntze
English Name: Assyrian Plum
Other Names in English: Sebestan Plum, Indian-cherry, Lasura, Sudan-teak, Clammy-cherry, Glueberry, Sapistan
Family: Cordiaceae



Persian Name: سپستان/ Sepestan
German Name: Assyrian Plum
French Name: Sébeste


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Prime Cordia Myxa Dried Fruits and Tree Bark for Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy Cordia tree barks. We provide and sell Assyrian plum in bulk with best quality to wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers. We purchase high quality Cordia myxa directly from farmers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

Assyrian Plum wholesaler, supplier and exporter

To order Assyrian Plum, please contact us.

About Cordia Myxa

Assyrian plum is the fruit of a tree that reaches a height of 5 meters. The leaves of this tree are broad, circular, oval, slightly pointed and have long petioles. The flowers of the tree are small, creamy white, and each flower has five petals, oval, with the edge facing outwards. The Cordia Myxa tree has spherical, fleshy, glazed, small, almost plum-sized fruit. The unripe fruit of this tree is green and turns pale pink when fully ripe.

The dried fruit of this tree has a sticky flesh that tastes a little sweet. In the middle of each kernel is a relatively large, drip-shaped seed.

The best Assyrian plum fruits are large, fully ripe, and fresh.

Assyrian Plum Temperament

Moderate in heat and coldness, and first degree of moist

Cordia Myxa Chemical Constituents

Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phenols and flavonoids, phytic acid and tannins

Cordia Myxa Health Benefits

Relieves hot and dry cough, choleric fever, yellow bile intensity, quenches thirst, removes stomach worms, black bile, and salty phlegm extractor.

Holding Assyrian plum in the mouth and swallowing its glaze or drinking its soaked water or drinking its brewed tea removes sputum of the chest and throat, and is a good modifier for laxative herbs. It is also useful for sore throat, hoarseness, dysuria caused by yellow bile, hot temperament people diarrhea and scratches of the intestines.

Assyrian Plum decoction enema makes the intestines slider.

Poultice of Sebesten decoction and Grape sap opens the blains.

If you soak the five young and chopped leaves of the Cordia myxa in water at night and drain in the morning, and drink, is beneficial for semen flow and gonorrhea.

Dry burnt bark powder of the tree barks heal wounds and pain caused by fire burns.

Assyrian Plum Dose

30 pieces to 46 grams

Assyrian Plum Side Effects

Stomach and liver. Sebesten produce phlegmatic moisture.

Assyrian Plum Modifiers

Damask Rose (Rosa damascena) leave for cold temperament people.

Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) fruit for hot temperament people.

Medical disclaimer




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