Table of Contents
Examples of Different Families Who Don’t Know the Importance of Temperament Diagnosis Well:
The First Family
This family has constantly fed their child with cold temperament food because they haven’t done temperament diagnosis about their child and don’t know food temperament.
- In the morning when the child wakes up, a bowl of milk with corn flakes is given to the child as breakfast. Milk and corn have both cold temperaments.
- He then has a ham and cheese sandwich as a school snack. They all have cold temperaments.
- When he comes home from school in the afternoon, he eats lettuce salad with chicken for lunch, both of them are cold.
- In the evening, they give money to their child to buy ice cream.
- For dinner he eats steak with mashed potatoes and green peas, all 3 of which are cold.
During the week, 90% of the foods that are given to this child from morning to night have cold temperament.
Although parents prepare these foods out of love and give them to their children, the result of this type of nutrition for their children, who have a cold temperament, is that the child is very lethargic, slow minded, and always sick. His body is weakened against cold; flu and viruses and he catch cold easily and does not recover soon. Constipation, OCD, etc. are other problems that this child suffers from.
The parents who run this family are neither aware of their children temperament nor of the food temperament.
The Second Family
Another family know the temperament of foods and after knowing the harm of cold temperament foods, they continuously feed their child with hot temperament foods, while they don’t know their child temperament is hot.
This family is interested in traditional medicine and has listened to various podcasts and read lots of articles about temperament diagnosis. In these podcasts, they have heard that you should not give a lot of cold temperament foods to your child, because most diseases are caused by coldness. Therefore, they start a hot temperament diet for their child.
In the morning, their child drink oregano tea with peanut butter, banana and honey.
At noon, they eat Mexican food, which is rich in pepper.
In the evening, they complete this hot temperament diet with roasted turkey.
As a result of long-term use of very hot temperament foods, after a while this child becomes aggressive and various skin diseases such as itching, eczema and pimples appear on his body. The child’s liver gets very warm and always feels hot and flushed.
In short, he suffers from diseases which are caused by heat.
The reason is that this family was unaware of their child’s hot temperament and because of incomplete knowledge, they have assumed that all cold temperament foods are bad and all hot temperament foods are good. Therefore, they indulged in feeding hot temperament foods to their hot temperament child.
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The Third FamilyAnother family is aware of the temperament of foods and their child’s, but they are unaware of the influence of non-edible foods (explained below). After learning the temperament of the foods and knowing their child’s cold temperament, they proceeded to feed 70% of hot temperament foods and 30% of cold temperament foods. But this family do not get any good results after a period of time. Why? They had only realized the temperament of foods and human’s, but they still did not know that behaviors, sounds, smells, colors, metals, houses, clothes, faces and hours of the day and night also have temperament. |
- The child of this family was exposed to a lot of cars and traffic sound and noises every day when he comes back from school. As a result, he was influenced by the cold and dry temperament of these noises.
- The parents of this child usually fight and argue. They constantly blame the child and bossing him around. Therefore, at home under the influence of parents’ behavior, extra coldness enters his body.
- As a result of parental neglect and watching adult movies and photos increase his body black bile (cold and dry temperament). (Watching pornographic movies is hot at first and cold at the end. It means these scenes will make your temperament cold after a while.)
- He also watches a lot of action movies. Unaware of the fact that watching scenes of hate, cruelty and crime chills the temperament.
- The climate where he lives is cold and dry.
- In the house, the walls are made of plaster, which is cold.
- On the other hand, the stench of his infant brother’s diaper, which is changed hardly ever, adds to the black bile of his brain and body (the stench causes coldness and dryness (black bile) in the body).
- Chemicals such as toilet cleaner liquids, are also cold in temperament and coldness penetrates the brain by smelling it.
- The clothes that the child wears are usually white or black, which white color is cold and moist and black color is cold and dry.
- The dishes in which food is eaten at home are also made of zinc and aluminum, which are all cold.
Totally, this child’s mother thinks that by giving hot temperament foods to her child, his body will get warm. But unaware of the fact that his food can be eaten, heard, thought, seen, smelled. 70% of this child’s food intake is cold and only the food he eats is hot.
The Fourth Family
A family that has enough information about the temperament of all kinds of food and inputs to the human body, both edible and non-edible, eats cold foods with warm ones and vice versa, and each is according to the person’s temperament. They know the temperament of their child, they also know the temperament of behavior, speech, colors, etc.
Such a family has fewer physical and even mental problems. Their diseases are less and they go to the doctor less often, and in case of illness, they recover their health soon.
Benefits of Temperament Diagnosis
1. Introduction to Medical Sciences
The basic temperament diagnosis is the basis and introduction of many medical sciences, including basic herbal medicines, cupping, hijama and etc.
To learn many sciences of traditional medicine, we must first do the temperament diagnosis. Using medicinal herb without knowing the temperament of that herb and the temperament of the body, can cause side effects and damages.
Also, to perform cupping and hijama, some people should be cupped very few, and in some situations, they should not be cupped or do the hijama, and some people should be cupped more. Understanding this issue will be according to the temperament diagnosis of the people.
2. Healthy and Appropriate Nutrition for Each Temperament
The compatibility or lack of compatibility of some foods with different bodies is due to different temperaments. For example, a person whose digestive system has become phlegmatic will suffer from stomach coldness, bloating and stomachache by eating cold and moist food. Or a person who knows that he has a hot temperament, should be careful in eating very hot foods so as not to suffer from its side effects.
3. Knowing Humans Through Temperament Diagnosis
Different temperaments make different faces, morals and behaviors. If we recognize people’s temperament well, many of their behaviors can be analyzed and justified for us, and we can even guess their future behaviors. The fact that some children crawl, talk or grow hair sooner, is due to the degree of coldness and hotness of their temperaments. It is for these reasons that infertility and miscarriage are more in some women and less in others.
4. Adjustment of Body Humors after Temperament DiagnosisAlso, adjustment of the body humors is done by temperament diagnosis. As long as we are not able to properly recognize the temperaments governing our body, naturally we will not be able to take measures to adjust the body humors. The human body is the result of 4 substances: yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood, which are created from the four elements of fire, earth, water, and air. When these 4 substances are in relative balance, the body is healthy, and when one or more of these four substances are more or less than their balance in one or more organs, disease occurs. |
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Therefore, maintaining the health and balance of the four substances (humors of the four) is called treatment.
The imbalance of the humors is the cause of diseases. If the humors of the body is out of balance and each of them becomes more or less or becomes corrupted, it causes a specific disease in the body and mind. For example, if the yellow bile decreases, the feet become cold, the hand becomes cold and weak, and if the coldness increases, the hands tremble.
If there is too much yellow bile in the head, it causes headache, in the mouth, it causes dry mouth, and in the liver, it causes biliary obstruction. The increase of yellow bile in the skin causes the body to itch and causes pimples on the surface of the body.
Also, increased blood causes the face to turn red, getting angry, and being aggressive.
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5. Accurate Disease Diagnosis and TreatmentBefore treatment and prescribing, the temperament diagnosis must be done in the first step. Unfortunately, some of the current traditional doctors do not pay attention to the temperament, and they prescribe a fixed medicine to anyone who comes with any temperament, and they do not try to understand the temperament and bring it to the level of balance. While even in treatment with herbal medicine, temperament should be surveyed first. Because one prescription does not have the same effect on everyone and sometimes it will even have negative side effects for some temperaments. If the temperament diagnosis is not observed, the simplest medicine, which is water, is harmful to the body. For example, drinking too much water is harmful for a person with phlegm, because it causes hypersomnia, enuresis, colds, leg pain, rheumatism, knee and joint pain. But if a choleric temperament person drinks more water, it will be useful for him or her, because their body lose water through the heat and sweating, so they need more water. In traditional medicine, diseases are treated with the method of modifying the temperament. |
Temperament correction is mainly through regimen, healthy food, herbal medicines, inunction, hijama, venesection, leech therapy, hot cupping, vomiting, use of traditional depilatory powder (containing orpiment), enema (suppository) and pouring medicine into eyes and nose.
If the concepts of hot and cold are removed from the medical system, most of the diseases will be out of the scope of diagnosis and experts in this field will be confused. For example, it is said that ginger cures headaches, but in scientific studies, it was found that ginger cures 70% of patients’ headaches, but causes exacerbation in 21% of patients, and causes itching and eczema in the rest.
While from the point of view of temperament diagnosis, ginger is a hot medicine and can cure cold headaches, and when used for hot headaches, it causes headache intensification, and if used for people with hot and dry temperaments, it causes itching and eczema. In the same way, this rule applies to all foods, medicines and behavior.
6. Diagnosis and Treatment of New Diseases
If we study all the books and lessons in traditional medicine, we finally learn the treatment of 120 diseases, while in the modern medical books, about 500 to 540 diseases are defined, and if we add specialized fields, it will be even more. Therefore, our hands are tied and those diseases are not included in our field of expertise and we do not have the right to interfere with them, while these 500 other medical issues defined in the modern medicine are not new diseases but different divisions of the same.
There are 120 diseases. It is like a tree that has other branches growing from each branch and from them other branches, which are the continuation of the same main branches and only their number has increased.
By knowing the temperament, we can diagnose all diseases with an inferential and analytical look, and because in traditional medicine, a disease means a temperament disorder, health and otherwise disease will appear.
In this disorder, traditional medicine has defined diseases in 120 states. Other situations that are not defined are based on these 4 articles and nothing else. Only the opportunity to explain them has not been found. Since the continuation of traditional medicine has been interrupted since 1921, there has been no opportunity to define new diseases. While the rest are also caused by temperament disorders.
For example, there is a disease called “frozen shoulder” as a sign that a person’s shoulder becomes stiff and has no ability to move. This disease occurs due to coldness and people usually suffer from this disease in the cold season. The more we warm these patients, the better they will get.
Another example is the “restless leg” disease with these symptoms: the patient constantly shakes his or her leg while sitting. People with predominance of black bile can’t relax. Black bile temperament sometimes folds their arms, legs and body when they sleep.
About phlegm, there is a type of phlegm that causes leprosy if it dominates on the skin. In modern medicine, this disease is considered almost incurable, while in traditional medicine, both the cause and treatment are known. If phlegm is treated, this disease is also treated. One of the prescriptions is Sekanjebin to treat this disease.
Another example is “MS” which is a new disease. A cold temperament substance appears and grows in the spinal cord or nerve, if this substance affects the optic nerve, it causes visual impairment, and if it is in motor nerves, it causes movement impairment. This disease is caused by phlegm, and phlegm is a watery substance, and when it hardens, its volume increases, just like water, when it freezes, its volume is greater than water.
Modern medicine calls this crystallized “plaque”, and this plaque is caused by eating too much cold temperament foods. Here, if we heat the patient (through hot temperament foods and other items mentioned above), the plaque will melt. The ultimate warmth is to the extent that the patient hands are warm when you touch it. The time it takes to the patient to get warm may vary.
It should be noted that we should not give a lot of heat all at once, because the liver does not tolerate it, but we should slowly give heat into his body. If we create choleric blood, it will burn the path and the heat will not reach the brain or back area. So, instead of giving extreme heat to melt the ice that has formed plaque, we increase the duration of the treatment with giving gentle heat.
So, if we understand the temperament well and remember its symptoms well, we will be successful in diagnosing new diseases and how to treat them. Therefore, the knowledge of temperament diagnosis is very necessary and useful.
7. Short and Radical Treatment of Diseases
Many diseases are caused by the predominance or corruption or mixing of humors in the body.
When you identify the temperament, you can find the cause of many diseases of the person. As a result, you can cure many diseases caused by the prevalence of humors.
For example, “Amblyopia” is a cold disease. When phlegm increases in the eye, it occurs. Cold temperament children do not see in the first week of their birth. But hot temperament children see. Cold temperament children cut teeth late, and hot temperament children cut teeth much sooner.
A medicine that suppresses phlegm disease suppresses phlegm wherever it is gathered, in the legs, chest, or other parts of the body. It is a key that opens many locks.
Another example: a patient is said to have DCM (Dilated cardiomyopathy). When we eat a lot of cold temperament foods, we salivate a lot and we cannot speak well. When coldness gets worst, the mouth remains open. The same muscles that open the mouth are also in the heart. The heart muscles also loosen, so the heart is unable to constrict itself and the heart valve dilates. Therefore, the same medicine that we prescribe to prevent drooling and close the mouth also treat DCM.
Without treatment through temperament diagnosis, we should treat through symptoms. For example, it is said that the treatment of dry eyes is a certain medicine, the treatment of cataracts is another medicine. But first we have to identify predominance of what humors is causing this disease, so treat and decrease that. Not to give the same medicine to all patients with cataracts. Maybe a person gets cataracts due to the predominance of phlegm and another person due to black bile.
For example, if there is a predominance of phlegm, this phlegm in the brain causes mental retardation, in the bladder it causes urinary incontinence, in walking it causes slowness of movement, muscle looseness, in the intestine it causes fecal incontinence and other cases. So, there is a phlegm that should be reduced in the body.
Therefore, temperament has helped us a lot in treatment and it makes the treatments of a doctor to be done in a short, radical and extensive way.
8. Choosing the Right Career Based on Temperament DiagnosisBetter division of jobs and positions will be possible with the science of temperament diagnosis. Example: Suppose you want to start a company. This company has different job position. A good manager is a person with hot temperament. This person has high self-confidence, high energy, good designer, high decision-making power and high management skills. |
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For the security and protection department, you need a sensitive, meticulous, inflexible person with melancholic temperament.
If we want to strengthen a person’s physical structure so that he or she can become a champion in competitions, we have to do this through temperament changing.
If we want to have a good, strong and skilled engineer, jurist, manager, coach, poet, etc., it is necessary to go to the science of temperament.
9. The Effects of Temperament on Ethics and Behavior
We believe that all members of the society should learn the science of temperament. Because this science has wide applications in all aspects of human life (health, social, choosing a partner, interpersonal relationships, etc.).
Moderation of temperament follows the inner peace, which is effective in peace of mind and soul. Peace of soul is one of the necessary conditions in improvement of the morality.
If we do the temperament diagnosis for our partner, we can prevent future problems. For example, if a woman has a cold temperament (which currently most women have, or at least they are colder than men), this cold temperament causes frigidity between partners. Eliminating this sexual frigidity through eating fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) can prevent divorces and break ups.
Also, by temperament diagnosis, we can recognize our child’s temperament and instead of labeling him “bad” and arguing with him, consider him sick and try to treat him.
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10. The Effects of Temperament on Thinking and CreativityCreativity comes from the flashes of subconscious thoughts. When human nature and psyche tend towards laziness and immobility, the subconscious mind unconsciously looks for the closest and easiest way, which is to imitate and copy the inventions and thoughts of others. The current society is becoming cold (temperament), it is often lazy and the efficiency has decreased, the brains efficiency has also decreased. Inventions and innovation have been minimized. There is no warmth in the brain to have initiative. The fact that out of several billion people, only one person like Edison has a spark in his mind and makes such an invention, shows the cold brains of other people. If we want to increase the national courage, we have to feed them hot temperament foods. In literature, some modern poetry without rhythm and rhyme are the result of cold and dry brains temperament, which are growing nowadays. Mental retardation and poor memory of children and adults are caused by coldness in their bodies, especially their brains. |
They say to the child, “why don’t you understand? Why don’t you learn? You have to understand.” It’s like saying to a dry stick why don’t you bend? In order for this wood to bend, this wood should get wet so that it gradually bends. So, he or she doesn’t understand because his brain is cold and dry and he or she has to eat warm temperament foods and these produces yellow bile and this warmth reaches the brain.
If they want to inject yellow bile into their brain immediately, they should smell hot temperament perfumes or smoke into his brain. For example, Wild Rue (Peganum harmala L.) should be smoked every two hours to warm the brain, to relieve the person from dozing off and to increase learning.
References: Darsnameh Mezajshenasi book, By Mohammad-Ali Abedi, from Dr. Hossein Kheirandish point of view.