Synonyms: Bubon rigidius L., Ferula anatriches (Kotschy) Sint., Ferula montis-elgonis Bullock
English Name: White Fasoukh
Other Names in English (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Giant Fennel
Family: Apiaceae
Pharmaceutical, Perfumery, Cosmetics, Fumigation, Aromatherapy.
Persian Name: فاسوخ سفید/ Fasoukh-e-Sefid
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Gemeines Rutenkraut, Gemeines Steckenkraut, Riesenfenchel
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Férule commune, Férule à fleurs nodales
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White Fasoukh for sale – buy ferula communis plant resin – giant fennel plant gum wholesale price
To order White Fasoukh gum, please contact us.
About Ferula Communis
Ferula communis is a bush-like and perennial plant. Its stems are narrow and covered with fine, cotton-colored threads, and its height is about 2 meters. The root of the plant is straight, thick and cone-shaped. The leaves of the plant are relatively wide and long and have petioles. Its flowers are small, white and without peduncles, and its fruit is oval and brown in color and are double.
Inside the leaves and roots of this plant, there is a milky color sap, which is scratched and secreted due to the interference of natural and human factors or by animals and insects. This resin is called White Fasoukh, which after being in the air, becomes teardrops and hardens. White Fasoukh resin color ranges from milky white to cinnamon brown. This gum has a bitter taste and an aromatic smell.
White Fasoukh Temperament
Hot and dry.
White Fasoukh Health Benefits
White Faso has expectorant properties. It is also used to reduce congestion caused by colds and flu.
Since this resin has antibacterial and disinfectant compounds, it stimulates the body’s immune system and is suitable for the digestive and respiratory systems of the body.
White Fassoukh treats colds and asthma and is useful for chronic bronchitis and shortness of breath.
White Fasoukh improves joint and bone pain, gout, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Relieves digestive diseases, improving stomach gas, and reducing stomach bloating.
Kills stomach worms. Libido enhancer.
White Fasoukh Side Effects
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. If more than the standard dose is used, it causes the opening of blood vessels and may disturb the balance of blood flow and cause blood in the urine.
White Fasoukh Dose
2 to 5 grams
Buy White Fasoukh – ferula communis plant gum for sale – giant fennel plant resin purchase
To order Giant Fennel plant resin, please contact us.
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