Willow Manna

Scientific name of the tree: Salix fragilis L.
English name of the tree (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Brittle Willow, Crack Willow
English name of the manna (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Willow Manna, Bidkhesht, Bidkhasht
Family: Salicaceae


Plant Parts: Bark, Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Manna, Flower oil, and Flower hydrosol
Cultivation mode: Wild collection


Persian Name: بیدخشت/ Bid-Khesht
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland):
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec):


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Exceptional and Rare Willow Manna (Bidkhesht) For Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy different Manna . Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk Willow Manna with best quality to manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in pharmaceutical and medicine industries with the best price.

Bid-Khesht wholesaler, supplier and exporter

To order Bidkhesht, please contact us.

About Willow Manna

The height of the Brittle willow tree (the tree Willow Manna is produced from) reaches twenty meters. The branches of this tree are slightly brittle and slightly hanging. The leaves of this tree are elongated and pointed, and their sides are saw-shaped. The back of its leaves is much paler and whiter than the top. The petioles are short. Brittle Willow flowers are a set of yellow-green and fluffy filaments that grow in a cylindrical shape.

There is a dark yellow seed on each of these threads. Its flowers are fragrant. The fruit of this tree is small, elongated, relatively narrow, and green, which grow in tall and straight clusters.

Willow Manna is a type of manna that is produced by the activity of an insect called Tuberolachnus salignus on the leaves and branches of the Brittle Willow tree. These aphids suck this plant’s sap with their proboscis and after a series of reactions occur on it in their digestive system, produced manna expels from the cornicles of the sixth abdominal segment. Willow Manna droplets, which have a diameter of 1 to 2 mm, turn into crystals after leaving the insect’s body in the vicinity of the air, and can be collected. This manna is similar to cane sugar and its color is milky white and it has a pleasant smell. Willow Manna is sweet and easily dissolves in water.

Willow Manna Temperament

Cold and moderate

Bidkhesht Chemical Constituent

Sucrose, fructose, glucose, water, amino acids, and salicin.

Bid-Khesht Health Benefits

Willow Manna is laxative. It is tonic for the liver, intestines and viscera, respiratory system, and eyes. It is diuretic and reduces heart, liver, and stomach heat.

It purges the brain and is useful for fever, cold, throat and chest pain relief, shortness of breath, hot cough, oral thrush, and dysentery.

In traditional medicine, Willow Manna is considered the coolest type of manna and it is used to treat fever, chicken pox, different types of typhoid, and herpes.

Bidkhesht Dose

Between 1.3 to 2.3 grams

Medical disclaimer



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