Synonyms: Pistacia mutica F.M., Lentiscus atlantica (Desf.) Kuntze
English Name: Persian Turpentine
Family: Anacardiaceae
Persian Name: Saghez- Saqez- Saqqez- Sakiz/ سَقِز
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Atlantische Pistazie harz/ gummi
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Pistachier de l’atlas- Térébinthe résine/ gommier
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Pistacia atlantica resin for sale – Bulk Pistacia atlantica resin – Pistacia atlantica resin buy – Pistacia atlantica resin wholesale price
To order Pistacia atlantica sap, please contact us.
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About Pistacia Atlantica It is a tree up to 15 meters high with a relatively thick, uneven, dark colored trunk. Its leaves are in the form of leaflets, each is oval and pointed. On the bright blue-green leaf and the back of it is dull green and the sides are slightly ciliated. The flowers are grouped in an open cluster. Its small fruit is the size of a pea, slightly larger, with a long tail and a green skin that contains a hard seed. Its green skin is fragrant and its seeds are oily. Gum is extracted from the stem of the Pistacia atlantica tree, which is used in painting, dyeing, perfumery, and incense and joss stick making. This tree and its varieties are used as a base for transplanting common pistachios. This tree also has swellings called galls as a result of an insect bite, which has a lot of tannin and is used in tannery to shave wools. Varieties of the above species are grown in Iran under the name of Chatlanqosh, their names are as below:
Persian Turpentine Chemical ConstituentsPistacia atlantica gum contained about 57.06% α-pinene with retention time (11.15), 1.02% of Camphene (11.49), 1.18% of Dehydrosabinene (11.74), β-pinene (12.79) 9.83%, 1,3,8-p-Menthatriene (13.43) 0.75%, Delta-3-Carene (14.29) 0.54%, p-Cymene (14.98)1.31%. Also, Limonene (15.19) 0.91%, Eucalyptol (15.27) 0.31%, γ-Terpinene (16.62) 0.18%, Pulegone (18.12) 0.57% Linalool (18.65) 0.2%, α-campholene aldehyde (19.85) 1.96%, trans-Pinocarveol (20.48) 2.95%. In addition, (S)-cis-Verbenol (20.6) 1.01%, trans-Verbenol (20.83) 3.79%, trans-p-Menth-2-en-1,8-diol (20.97) 1.25%, Pinocamphone (21.45) 0.26%. α-Phellandren-8-ol (21.88) 3.81%, Terpinen-4-ol (22.29) 0.35%, para-Cymen-8-ol (22.73) 0.99%, α-Terpineol (22.99) 0.44%, Myrtenal (23.21) 1.74%, Verbenone (23.89) 1.51%, Carveol (24.4) 0.68% and Bornyl Acetate (27.39) 0.62%. |
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Persian Turpentine Temperament
The wood, leaves and fresh stems of Persian Turpentine tree are hot and dry in the second degree and its dry stems are hot and dry in the third degree.
Its fresh fruit is primarily warm and dry. Its dried fruit is hot and dry in the third degree.
The gum of this tree is hot and dry at the end of the second degree.
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Persian Turpentine Health BenefitsChew it like a gum in your mouth and swallow its juice. Strengthens the stomach, is beneficial for clearing the throat from slimy sputum. If you poultice this resin on the body skin, it will remove the bone, thorn, acicula or a stick that is sunk into the skin. Boil 20 grams of Persian Turpentine resin in a glass of water and poultice it. It is useful for removing skin excess oil. The fruit of the Pistacia atlantica tree is very similar to the fruit of other wild pistachio trees in terms of temperament and properties. Fresh wild pistachio’s temperament is slightly hot and dry, and its dry one is very hot and dry. The fruit of this tree is diuretic and stimulant. It is useful for strengthening sexual power and opens the blood of hemorrhoids that have been cut off, warms the stomach and kidneys, and removes bloating, and is useful for cough, paralysis, facial nerve paralysis and dropsy. The fruit of this tree strengthens the stomach and relieves cough. It is also enlivening, tonic for the senses, tonic for the liver, spleen, kidney, fattening, internal pain reliever, kidney block opener, removes excess moisture from the chest and lungs, stone crusher, and removes all types of stomach worms. The wood, leaves and branches of this tree are tonic for the body. Persian Turpentine gum is laxative, digestive, diuretic and sexual enhancer. |
Persian Turpentine fruit softens the stiffness caused by injury and impact, removes phlegm excrements from the body, and improves palpitation, back pain, colic, and fainting. Eating the fruit of this tree with vinegar cleans the liver and is useful for headaches and snake and tarantula bites.
Eating the fruit with almonds and sugar is fattening and relieves urine intermittency.
The poultice of the combination of dried Persian Turpentine leaf powder with vinegar and oil makes the hair grow back, makes it long and healthy and removes its roughness.
Constantly washing the body with Persian Turpentine tree leaves in the bathroom removes bad body odor and is good for catarrh. Poultice of the wood ash of this tree with oil improves alopecia areata. The decoction of the bark of this tree sprinkled on the swellings helps to dissolve the swelling. The resin of this tree takes out ear pus. It causes the flesh to grow back on the wounds and is beneficial for lung ulcers, chronic cough and snake bites. Eating this resin with honey helps to heal internal wounds. Also, eating it with Sandarac gum (Tetraclinis articulata) and half-boiled egg yolk is beneficial for healing the wounds and relieving fatigue and pain. Chewing this gum absorbs phlegm moisture from the brain and expels the slimy sputum from the pharynx, removes excess moisture from the stomach and strengthens it. If you melt this gum in olive oil, the poultice strengthens the nerves and is beneficial for swelling, muscle rupture and chronic pruritus. |
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Eating its fruit with vinegar is beneficial to cleanse the liver and relieve headaches.
Its burnt fruit poultice is useful for hair growth for people who have hair loss.
Pistacia Atlantica fruit kernel oil is also warm and dry and is a sexual enhancer, beneficial for strengthening the nerves. Eating it is useful for hoarseness and treat vascular occlusive, and also treat jaundice, urine intermittency, and pain in the back, knees, paralysis, and facial nerve paralysis. If it is eaten with vinegar, it is useful for getting rid of all kinds of poisons and coldness of the organs, and rubbing its oil on the desired areas is also beneficial. Because it makes you thirsty, you should eat it with Bambusa bambos resin.
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Persian Turpentine Dose The resin up to 3 grams. Persian Turpentine Side EffectsThe fruit of Pistacia atlantica tree is slow digesting. It produces a bad chyme, causes headaches and is harmful to the brain of hot temperaments and those who have hot stomachs. Excessive consumption of its fruit causes aphthous ulcer and loss of appetite. The resin of this tree is harmful for hot temperament people. |
Persian Turpentine ModifiersRose water, Rhubarb paste, sour fruit pastes and sekanjebin for Pistacia atlantica fruit. If you cook its fruit in bread, it will be digested easier. Sekanjebin for its gum. Pistacia atlantica fruit is difficult to digest and is harmful for hot-temperaments. For this reason, hot-tempered people should eat it with vinegar, Gum Tragacanth or sakanjabin. Turpentine tree sap for sale – Turpentine tree sap wholesale price – Buy Turpentine tree sap – Bulk Turpentine tree sapTo order Turpentine tree sap, please contact us. |
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