
Stachys Lavandulifolia

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ACPFOOD is where you can buy dried Stachys lavandulifolia. Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear with the best quality to distributors, manufacturers and retailers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

High Quality Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear for Sale

  • Product Code: HER-070
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 50kg

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Scientific Name: Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl.
Synonyms: Sideritis calycantha M.Bieb., Zietenia lavandulifolia (Vahl) Link
English Name: Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear
Other Names in English (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand): Stachys
Family: Lamiaceae



Persian Name: چای کوهی، چای پشمی/ Chai Kouhi, Chai Pashmi
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Lavendelblättriger Ziest
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Epiaire à feuilles de lavande


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Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear for sale – Buy dried Stachys lavandulifolia – Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear wholesale price – Stachys lavandulifolia purchase

To order Stachys lavandulifolia, please contact us.


About Stachys Lavandulifolia

Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear is a herbaceous and perennial plant whose height reaches forty centimeters. The stems of this red-brown plant are relatively thin and fluffy, and their cross section is circular. The leaves are grayish green, dull, elongated, narrow, pointed, hairy, and slightly thick, and they usually grow in fours and opposite.

The flowers of Stachys lavandulifolia are tabbed and pink and each has two petals. The lower petal of these flowers is bigger and two small cuts can be seen on it. But the upper petals are smaller and oval. The flowers of this plant grow in spikes and are very fragrant. The sepals of these flowers are purple and their many hairs make them look like a ball of wool.

Stachys Chemical Constituents

The main components are germacrene-D (13.2%), β-phellandrene (12.7%), β-pinene (10.2%), myrcene (9.4%), α-pinene (8.4%) and Z-β-ocimene (5.8%).

Stachys Temperament

Hot and dry.

Stachys Health Benefits

  1. Stachys lavandulifolia heals cold spasm.
  2. It is very effective in treating urinary tract kidney stones.
  3. Its decoction is also used for most moisture diseases, especially rheumatic diseases and joint pain.
  4. It has sedative effect for the nervous system.
  5. Using Stachys lavandulifolia eliminates mental fatigue.
  6. It’s an energy producer and bracing herb, that’s why it can be used to relieve fatigue and boredom in depressed people.
  7. Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear increases appetite.
  8. This plant is effective in treating and improving colds.
  9. It opens the hoarseness of the voice and is expectorant.
  10. Drinking Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear is useful for anemia.
  11. It cures bloody diarrhea.
  12. Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear kills viruses and strengthens the immune system.
  13. It has an effective role in treating some diseases such as paralysis, meningitis, tetanus and pertussis.
  14. Repellent of concentrated phlegm humors that has accumulated in the lungs or uterus or intestines.
  15. It also increases sexual power.
  16. If you are suspected to cerebral hemorrhage or there is a possibility of cerebral hemorrhage, certainly use this medicine.
  17. There is a red substance in the middle of the leaves of this herb, which is used to eliminate burns. For many years, Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear has been used as a very useful medicine for healing wounds.
  18. New research shows that Stachys can kill viruses and even affect the AIDS virus. AIDS patients have been consuming this plant for a while, which strengthens their immune system and reduces disease.

Stachys Side Effect

  1. Eating Stachys has many considerations and it must be consumed under the supervision of a doctor, because its improper consumption will have harmful effects on hot temperament and pregnant women.
  2. Pregnant women: because Stachys kills the fetus, pregnant women are not allowed to eat it, and even if they give boiled incense of this herb under the uterus, it will cause abortion.
  3. People who are taking birth control pills, asthma, colds and allergies.
  4. Excessive use of Stachys is harmful for hot-temperament people and causes bloody urine.

Stachys lavandulifolia for sale – Buy dried Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear – Stachys lavandulifolia wholesale price – Pink Cotton Lamb’s Ear in bulk 

To order Cotton Lamb’s Ear, please contact us.



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