
Aleppo Oak Gallnuts

Original price was: €1.Current price is: €0.

Scientific Name: Quercus infectoria 
English Name: Aleppo Oak Gallnuts
Other Names in English: Oak apple gall
Family: Fagaceae



Persian Name: مازو/ Mazoo
German Name (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland): Gall-Eiche, Alleppo-Eiche, Galleiche
French Name (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec): Noix de Galle


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High Quality Aleppo Oak Gallnuts For Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy Quercus Infectoria gall. Since we purchase high quality products directly from farmers, we provide and sell bulk  dried Aleppo Oak Gullnuts with the best quality to wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

Aleppo Oak Gallnuts wholesaler, supplier and exporter

To order Gallnut Oak, please contact us.

About Quercus Infectoria 

The height of the Quercus infectoria tree reaches six meters. The leaves of this plant are oval and relatively large, and their sides have curved, small and slightly wrinkled teeth. Its yellow flowers grow in long and hanging clusters.

The fruit is elongated and oval, and at the bottom, there is a cup-shaped appendage that connects the fruit to the stem. Fruit’s peel is green at first. But after fully ripening, it becomes wooden and turns brown. They are very similar to Oak fruit, but a little bigger and has a bowl-shaped appendage. Inside each fruit there is a kernel, and a thin brown membrane between the kernel and the wooden shell.
On the branches of this tree, relatively large, spherical and hard appendages are formed, on their surface, small bumps are seen, which are actually a kind of scab.

The best type of Aleppo Oak is slightly green, heavy, gassy and without holes.

Gall Oak Chemical Constituent

Gallotannic acid 50-70%.

Aleppo Oak Gall Nut Temperament

First degree of cold and second degree of dry

Aleppo Oak Gallnut Health Benefits

  1. If you hold Aleppo Oak Gallnuts in your mouth and suck, it will eliminate bad breath.
  2. To prevent nosebleeds, pulverize some of it softly and blow with a piece of pipe or a narrow tube in the nose.
  3. Pulverize Aleppo Oak Gallnuts, knead it with vinegar and rub it on body and repeat every day. Heals fire blight and syphilis ulcers.
  4. Pulverize it softly, then knead it with a little eighty degrees alcohol and put it in the middle of the cervix at night and clean it with water in the morning. Eliminates abnormal vaginal secretion.
  5. Pulverize Aleppo Oak Gallnuts softly and sprinkle it on the children’s anus that comes out. It cures it.
  6. Pulverize Aleppo Oak Gallnuts softly, mix it with henna and knead it and tie it to your feet. Removes sweat and foot infection.

Aleppo Oak Gallnut Side Effects

Aleppo Oak Gallnuts should not be taken more than a few pieces a week, because it will have a negative effect on the throat and chest.

Medical disclaimer



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