
Alyssum Seed

Original price was: €1.Current price is: €0.

English Name:
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.: Alyssum seed, Pale Madwort
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.: Wall alyssum
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.: Alyssum
4- Thlaspi arvense L.: Bastard Cress
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.: Alpine pennycress
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz: Perfoliate pennycress
Scientific Names:
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.
4- Thlaspi arvense L.
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.: Alyssum campestre L.
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.: Alyssum murale Waldst. Kit.
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.: Alyssum murale Waldst. Kit.
4- Thlaspi arvense L.: Crucifera thlaspi (Roxb.)
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.: Thlaspi montanum L.
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz: Thlaspi perfoliatum L.
Other Names in English:
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.: Small Alyssum, Pale Alyssum, Yellow Alyssum
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.: Rock alyssum, Yellowtuft
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.: 
4- Thlaspi arvense L.: Fanweed, Field Penny-Cress, Frenchweed, Mithridate Mustard, Stinkweed, Wild Garlic
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.: 
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz: Perfoliate pennycress, Thoroughwort pennycress, Clasping-leaved pennycress
Family: Nymphaeaceae


Plant Parts: Leaves and seeds
Cultivation Mode: Wild collection/ Cultivated
In Manufacturing: Pharmaceutical, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic beverages, herbal tea


Persian Name: تودری، قدومه، قدومه شیرازی/ Toudari, Ghoddoumeh, Ghoddoumeh Shirazi
German Names (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland):
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.: Kelchsteinkraut, Kelchsteinkresse, Kelch-Steinkraut
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.: Mauersteinkraut, Mauer-Steinkraut
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.:
4- Thlaspi arvense L.: Acker-Hellerkraut, Ackertäschelkraut
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.: Berg-Täschelkraut
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz: Stängelumfassendes Hellerkraut
French Names (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec):
1- Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.: Alysson calycinal, Alysson à calices persistants, Alysson faux alysson
2- Odontarrhena muralis (Waldst. & Kit.) Endl.: Alysson des murs
3- Alyssum strigosum Banks & Sol.:
4- Thlaspi arvense L.: Tabouret des champs, Thlaspi
5- Noccaea montana (L.) F.K.Mey.:
6- Noccaea perfoliata (L.) Al-Shehbaz: Tabouret perfolié


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Excellent Alyssum Seed For Sale

ACPFOOD is where you can buy this product. We provide and sell bulk Alyssum seeds with the best quality to wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers. We purchase high quality Pale Madwort seeds directly from farmers and you can buy it from us with the best price.

Alyssum alyssoides seeds wholesaler, supplier and exporter

To order Pale Madwort seeds, please contact us.

About Alyssum Spp.

Alyssum is a one-year plant that reaches thirty centimeters in height. This plant usually has only one stem, which is hairy, relatively thin, green and has red spots, and its cross section is circular.

The leaves are relatively elongated, hairy, almost almond-shaped, drop-shaped and pointed, and grow without or with very short petioles.

The flowers of this plant are yellow and very small and grow in bunches at the end of the stems. Each flower has four very small petals, heart-shaped, sometimes drop-shaped, and completely separate from each other.

The fruits have small, circular, wide, green, and hairy pods. After fully ripening, the skin of these pods dries up and falls off, leaving only two shiny and very thin layers, inside of which there are two seeds. The seeds are very small, circular and wide, and they produce a lot of glaze due to contact with water. There are three types of these seeds: pink, orange, and white.

Alyssum Temperament

Second degree of hot and first degree of moist

Alyssum Chemical Constituents

p-hydroxy-benzoic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (vanillic acid), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (astragalin), kaempferol 3-O-(6″-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (nicotiflorin), quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (isoquercetin), quercetin 3-O-β-D-galactopyranoside (hyperoside), isorhamnetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, isorhamnetin 3-O-β-D-galactopyranoside and isorhamnetin 3-O-(6″-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (narcissin).

Alyssum Health Benefits

Alyssum seed is appetizing, libido enhancer, and antidote to poisons. The leaves of the plant are astringent.

It brightens the complexion, removes black bile, and clears the voice. It also improves visceral coldness, bloody cough, and dry cough. If you boil the soaked Alyssum seeds and put it in a cloth bag, then cover it with dough and heat it, eating the contents of the bag will dissolve the hard swelling of the ear, breast, and testicles, and remove the thick and sticky mixture of the chest and lungs.

If you boil Alyssum seeds in vinegar, drinking it is fattening and beautifies the complexion. Drawing Alyssum seed with honey into the eye enemas the pus and helps heal the wound. A poultice of a mixture of pounded Alyssum seed and water is useful for healing cancer and hard swellings.

Alyssum Dose

As an antidote to poisons, 7 to 12 grams and in other cases from 4 to 7 grams.

Side Effects:


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