High Blood Cholesterol and its Treatment in Traditional Iranian Medicine

High blood cholesterol and treatment in traditional medicine

High cholesterol and its treatment


Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which high blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Its prevalence increases with aging. High blood cholesterol is more common in men and sometimes runs in families. This disease is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and stroke due to atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol is a substance known as a lipid. It is used in the construction of cell walls and in the production of yellow bile acids (which digest fats) and hormones. Most bad cholesterol (LDL) is produced by the liver, but some cholesterol is provided by foods. The level of cholesterol in the body can be changed by diet and lifestyle. Cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream in the form of lipid-protein molecules called lipoproteins, and there are two main types of these molecules.

Low-density lipoprotein, called LDL, and high-density lipoprotein, called HDL. LDL carries more cholesterol than HDL, and cholesterol is stored all over the body. Too much LDL deposits on the walls of the arteries. If these deposits increase, blood flow is restricted and clots form that block the arteries. HDL picks up free cholesterol molecules and returns them to the liver to be broken down. Thus, high levels of HDL in the blood protect the body against arterial disease.

Cholesterol levels are determined by a combination of genetics and lifestyle factors, including diet, excess weight, and physical activity. High cholesterol levels are associated with a diet high in fat, especially saturated fat. Being overweight and not exercising also raise cholesterol levels. However, high cholesterol often runs in families. Some people have a specific inherited disorder called Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia (FCH), which affects the body’s lipid metabolism and ultimately causes high blood cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol usually doesn’t cause symptoms until it causes other problems, such as coronary artery disease.

Low-density lipoprotein. High-density lipoprotein.

Reducing High Blood Cholesterol through Diet

Most people do not need to reduce the cholesterol in their food, so you can still enjoy eating eggs and fish. Reducing the intake of foods containing saturated fat is very important. Because saturated fats negatively affect how the liver works (to deal with fats). Therefore, eating saturated fats can increase blood cholesterol. Try to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats that are better for your heart.

It has been medically proven that too much blood fat is one of the important factors in hardening the arteries of the body, producing heart disease and shortening life, but fortunately, by reducing blood fats, it is possible to eliminate the complications mentioned above and increase human life. Following a series of nutritional principles and using a proper diet is one of the effective ways to lower blood fat levels.

All kinds of meats contain some cholesterol. But reducing the consumption of meats containing saturated fat will help control your blood cholesterol levels.

Saturated fat vs unsaturated fat

Foods that Contain Cholesterol and are High in Saturated Fat

  • Full-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, and pizza cheese
  • Animal oil such as butter, tallow, margarine, and rump
  • High-fat meat or processed meat products such as sausages and salami
  • Cakes, cookies, and pastries
  • Ice cream and milkshakes
  • Coconut milk and coconut cream
  • Chocolate and chocolate spreads
  • Fried foods
  • Fast foods

There are foods that are low in saturated fat but high in cholesterol. These foods include eggs, some shellfish, and liver. For most people, the cholesterol in these foods is not a problem and there is no need to reduce their intake.

Foods that are High in Cholesterol but Low in Saturated Fat

  • Lean meat, haslet, sweetbreads
  • Shrimp, crab, sea fish, octopus
  • Eggs

Tips to Reduce High Blood Cholesterol

Cholesterol is found in meat dishes, and vegetarian food do not contain any cholesterol. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, peas, and lentils do not contain cholesterol.

According to the tests performed, if you have high blood cholesterol level, it will be necessary to follow the below tips:

  1. The first step in treatment is to treat constipation. In many patients, high blood cholesterol and fat is treated only by treating constipation.
  2. Any stress or insomnia should be controlled.
  3. Since obesity, especially abdominal fat, is an important factor in increasing blood fat levels, you should lose weight.
  4. Regarding meat consumption, you should pay attention to the following points:
    1. Do not consume red meat and use more white meat instead. White meat, including fish and chicken, contains less harmful fats. In addition, fish contains fats that can lower blood fat levels. Therefore, it is better to replace red meat with white meat whenever possible.
    2. Eat meat once a day, preferably white meat, and consume meat-containing foods for a maximum of 4 or 5 meals per week.
    3. Avoid frying foods, especially fried meat. Instead steam, boil or grill it.
    4. To meet your daily protein needs, use foods that contain grains and legumes, especially foods that are made from a mixture of grains and legumes.
  5. Use more fruits, vegetables and vegan foods because they not only do not contain harmful fats but can also meet some of the body’s nutritional needs. The most important thing is that these types of foods also contain beneficial dietary fibers that can prevent the absorption of harmful fats.
  6. Whole wheat bread and barley bread are the most suitable breads to consume because they also contain beneficial dietary fibers that can prevent the absorption of harmful fats in the digestive tract to some extent.

7. Oil consumption: Pure olive oil is definitely the best oil you can consume. This oil reduces harmful blood fats (cholesterol and triglycerides), increases beneficial blood fats (HDL). Relieves constipation. Cleans vascular deposits, including heart vessels.

But it should be noted that:

  1. Olive oil is very delicate and should be used with patience and with minimal heat.
  2. Please make sure that the olive oil used is pure and of high quality.
Pure olive oil is definitely the best oil you can consume.

Animal oil is also one of the best oils to consume; but there are a few things to note about it:

  • The appropriate oil is the oil that is obtained from cow’s milk (cow’s tallow oil) and not sheep’s oil.
  • People over 50, should not consume animal oil at night.
  • Due to the hot nature of this oil, it is better to reduce its consumption in hot seasons, especially in hot temperament people.

Sesame oil: If oil pressing is done in the right way, this oil is suitable for a variety of uses.

Note: Except for pure olive oil, which is an exception; no oil, even the best oils, should be consumed in excess.

8. Exercise and physical activity are effective factors in regulating body fat burning and reducing high blood cholesterol levels, so you should include at least 20 minutes of brisk walking in your daily routine.

9. Smoking, in addition to its direct and harmful effect on the heart and blood vessels, also reduces life expectancy. Because smoking increases blood fat levels. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you never smoke.

The appropriate blood cholesterol level for adults is below 200 milligrams. Some people want to reduce it by using medication as soon as they find out that they have high blood cholesterol. While recent research has shown that many cholesterol-lowering drugs lead to an increase in the incidence of death from heart disease as well as other diseases from gallbladder disease to kidney failure, if their disease is not genetic, they can resort to natural treatment methods.

Treatment of high cholesterol in traditional Iranian medicine

Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Traditional Iranian Medicine

  1. Eat 5 olives with dinner or lunch (preferably bitter olive with low-salt)
  2. Eat 5 small sprigs of fresh dill at the end of the meal, or mix it with yogurt as a snack or cook dill pilaf. But it is better not to use it for a long time because it has a negative effect on vision.
  3. Unsalted sunflower seeds: Reduces both cholesterol and triglycerides.
  4. Barley and pure oats: In the form of non-alcoholic beer, barley soup, etc., it also reduces high blood cholesterol and triglycerides.
  5. Artichokes and okra are also good options.
  6. Barberry: Moderate consumption of brewed or natural extract is very useful for reducing high blood cholesterol; but the consumer must have a hot temperament and a strong stomach.



  • Daeratol Maarif Giah Darmanie Iran (Noskhehaye Shafabakhsh), by Haji Sharifi, Ahmad (Attare Esfahani).
  • Traditional Iranian Medicine Doctor’s Prescriptions (tabaye.ir)

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