Persian Traditional Medicine considers people’s temperament to make any decision, whether it is related to their treatment or diet. In this article, we will get acquainted with the concept of temperament and melancholic temperament, as well as their characteristics. After reading this article, you can almost guess whether your temperament is melancholic or not? It is necessary to consult a Persian Traditional Medicine specialist to diagnose the temperament correctly.
What Is The Meaning Of Temperament?
Temperament literally means to blend. Each compound is composed of all four elements (fire, air, water, and earth), and the difference in the amount of these elements in the objects distinguishes them from each other and causes them to have different temperaments. The amount and ratio of each of these elements will determine the temperament of the compound. For example, in melancholic people, the element of earth prevails over other elements.
Types Of Temperaments
Human temperament is divided into two general categories:
- Inborn temperament (congenital): this is the temperament with which a person is born.
- Acquired (incidental) temperament: incidental temperament is created by a change in inborn temperament. These changes can be caused by factors such as season, age, gender, place of residence, mental and psychological states, and so on.
Important note: The criterion for identifying a person’s temperament is her or his inborn temperament, so the following information are related to this type of temperament.
What Are Humors
we have 4 kinds of fluids which are secreted inside the body:
- Choler or yellow bile (Choleric temperament– hot and dry). Element= Fire
- Blood (Sanguine temperament– hot and moist). Element= Air
- Phlegm (Phlegmatic temperament– cold and moist). Element= Water
- Black bile (Melancholic temperament- cold and dry). Element= Earth
Humors influence health, disease, temperament, and personality. For example, in Phlegmatic temperaments, phlegm humor is secreted more than someone with Choleric temperament. Or in Melancholic temperaments, black bile humor is secreted more than someone with Sanguine temperaments.
If the balance between the humors and their quantity or the quality of each is disturbed, it causes disease in the body, or in other words, it causes one humor to dominate the others in the body, which must be treated.
Melancholic Temperament (Cold and Dry)
Modification of melancholic temperament is absolutely necessary. Melancholic temperament leads to excessive weight loss and depression. Cold and dry temperament causes dark and gaunt complexion and face, and also leads to mental disorders, if you do not modify it, you will suffer from various diseases. Cold and dry temperament causes impotency, boredom, hopelessness, lethargy, isolation, constipation, anorexia, and weight loss, constant need to cry for no reason, hypersensitivity, hives, unexplained pain in the body and so on.
What Are The Characteristics Of Melancholic People?
What Are The Symptoms Of Black Bile Humor Domination?
- Depression
- The influx of negative thoughts
- Excessive frustration and anxiety
- Being vindictive
- Insomnia
- Hemorrhoids
- Varicose veins
- Varicocele
- Bloating
- Stomach pain
- False appetite
- Blood concentration
- Dry skin
- Dry eyelids
- Constipation
- Psoriasis and black blemishes on the skin
- Stretch marks
- Skin darkening
- Having terrifying nightmares of black color, smoke and fume, destruction and feeling of inability to move.
- Fear in sleep
- Cowardice
- Dreams of jumping from a height
- Having mistrust and being suspicious
- High level of anxiety
- Anemia
- Weak hair
- The color of urine is greenish or black